Installation guide

  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • Linux
  1. Download the "Weblaunch+Setup+3.4.3-universal.exe" file and open it.

  2. Note:

    You may get an error when opening the installer. The only way for us to remove this warning is to pay over $100 per year for a "code signature". Weblaunch is still a very secure application regardless of this warning.

    Windows warning

    To bypass the warning click on "More info" and "Run anyway". You should only need to do this once.

    Some anti-virus services may also mark Weblaunch as a security risk, because Weblaunch is not a well known application.

  3. You should now have Weblaunch in your start menu. The installer may be deleted. Weblaunch will auto-update on startup if there is a new version available.

Download for Windows